Yes some body once said, ‘You shouldn’t start a project, when you don’t know how to finish it’. I don’t know how accurate this is.
Have you ever been in the toilet to defecate and right after you see that there is not toilet paper in the toilet. Has that happen to you before. That is not a position you will want to find yourself.
By the way when did black people start using toilet paper to wipe their behind? Ok, let us say, many black people actually don’t use toilet paper. Many black people prefer to use water instead of toilet paper. I find it cleaner that way.
Let us think about this. First of all you wipe every single day when you are showering, right? Secondly have you ever eaten fish and then you take a piece of toilet paper or tissue to wipe your fingers after eating fish. Smell your finger right after that. How does it smell? It still smells like fish, no matter how hard you try to use tissue to clean the fish off your finger. Taking this fact into consideration, you will want to wash your finger with soap and water to have it clean.