Donald Trump off Maine’s Ballot
Donald Trump is being removed from off Maine ballotDonald Trump is being removed from off Maine ballot. This is the Illusion of democracy at play. The West claim that Putin and Xi Jinping are the dictators. But you have the Democrats Secretary of State unilaterally making the decision to kick Trump off the Maine’s ballot. It is good to know that one person can decide who can and cannot run for president of the State of Maine, USA. The Democrats are setting a very dangerous precedence with all these tricks and shenanigans.
Donald Trump off Colorado’s Ballot
At least in Colorado, removing Trump from the ballot was a decision taken by seven (7) people in Colorado Supreme Court. Now we have come to the point where one person can unilaterally decide who can and cannot run for president.
Supreme Court’s Support For Trump
In Michigan, they tried to remove Trump from the ballot, but it didn’t work out. Because the supreme court in Michigan shut the effort to remove Trump from the ballot.
In Colorado, Trump has been placed back on the ballot, pending the US Supreme Court decision. But now in Maine, USA the Secretary of State is taking unilateral decision.
The Fear Of Donald Trump As Future President
Is the position Secretary of State an elected position or an appointed position? It is an appointed position. So you have an appointed state official deciding who can be on the ballot in Maine, USA. This is a very interesting democracy. The Biden White House, the Neocons, and the Democrats are all doing their very best to make sure that they demolish the United States of America in whatever is remaining of the final terms of the Biden’s presidency. They are doing their best to make sure they burn everything down. These is because they are afraid of he Orange Man (Donald Trump).