Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso are creating their own currency (femioke blog)

Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso are creating their own currency

Welcome to the new month of December. Thank you all for your support. Now who is a brother to you? Is a bother somebody that looks just like you, who fight your fight with you, a person who share a passport with you, somebody with the same accent with you etc..

I know we all know about Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. I always speak about these countries because it is very interesting. These three countries are doing some tremendous thing never seen before.

Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso are creating their own currency (femioke blog)

Table of Contents

Background Story of Mali and Terrorism

Few days ago Mali re-captured a town named Kidal. Mali was colonized by the France. Mali was going through a very difficult time because the northern part of the country was locked in by terrorist. This terrorist were trying to claim the area. They wanted to cut it off Mali and make it another country. Malian people refuse to accept that. So Mali brought in French people to come and fight the terrorist for them.

How France Was Looting and Stealing Malian Gold.

You will expect France to defeat the terrorist because they are the forth strongest in the world. So they should have no difficult defeating the terrorist. But France has been there for ten (10) year and over. In spite of that, they have been unable to dis-lodge the terrorist. Many people believe France was unofficially sponsoring the terrorist. France was stealing and looting gold from the Kidal area northern part of Mali. While at the same time claiming to be fighting the terrorist.

Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso are creating their own currency (femioke blog)

Terrorist in Mali Defeated

Finally after Mali told the French soldiers to leave Mali, The Malian soldiers next to Wagner Russian mercenaries, and some Nigeriens with Burkina soldiers kicked out the terrorist from Kidal northern part of Mali.

Who is Your Brother

That is why I ask again. Are your brothers people that look like you or are they those people ready to go to war with you. I think you brother is somebody that comes next to you and fights your fight for you. Bother is somebody ready to defend you, even when the world turns their back on you. I don’t think your brother are people you are necessarily born with. Some times in life you meet your brother while struggling, going through hardship of life. Your brother can be somebody from a totally different country.

Creation of One Currency for Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso

Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have expanded their cooperation beyond military. The finance ministers of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger are now considering a creation of an economic monetary union. The proposal, emerging during a strategic meeting in Bamako, aims to accelerate economic and financial integration and a crucial change for future of the allies.

What Made Niger, Mali and Burkina to Come Together

The three countries are trying to work together economically. Because in the region all other African nations are fighting against them. These three countries are Francophone and they all use the CFA franc currency which can only be printed in France for the interest of the French people.

How France Cheated and is Still Cheating Francophone Countries

Every year each francophone country had to pay tax to the French people for nothing. Now these three countries have decided enough is enough.

ECOWAS Sanctions on Mali

The time Mali wanted its freedom in 2020, when they stood up and said enough is enough. All of this countries West African Countries of ECOWAS barricaded and blocked Mali. They refused to let food, medicine and economic transactions to pass Mali. Their goal was to starve the people of Mali, hoping the people will rise and fight their own the government. But they failed drastically.

Why The Creation of One Currency

Because Malians have experience this in the past. The best way to prevent the above from occurring is by creating your own monetary fund and currency. So these three countries have come together to create their own currency away from the French.

Improvement of Transportation and Infrastructure

These three countries are also coming together as one to improve transportation and communication infrastructure. This was high on the reunion agenda. Fellas, let me put it this way for you. Many African countries unfortunately in terms of infrastructure are very very poor.

You Can See That Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso now understand and know who their real brothers are. Some times the most evil people call you their brother, while plotting against you.

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