Macron: Can’t be Trusted

Macron: Can’t be Trusted

Macron said Ukraine is still very far from joining EU membership. For Ukraine to join, EU will substantially have to reform it rules.

What might happen to Ukraine after losing to Russia is a new government on exile will be created. That government will be associated with the EU. This exile government will last based on how long the money from the US is available. A perfect example is the case of Juan Guaidó. That government in exile will attend all of the EU meetings and events.

Sergey Lavrov said the other day while he was in Belarus that multiple western leaders have approached him about potential negotiations and conflict in Ukraine. He said the Kremlin is ready for dialogue so long as it respected Moscow’s core interest. Lavrov refused to mention the name of the leades. I can guess who one of those western leader was. It is no other than Macron.

Word of Advise. Don’t believe anything that comes out of Macron’s mouth. He says one thing today and means something else tomorrow. An example was while he was championing open dialogue with Russia, before the Ukraine-Russia war, he was funding the Banderite NAZI in Ukraine. Macron can’t be trusted.

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