Same Sex Marriage

The leader of the Catholic world, the Pope, has authorize the priest to bless same sex marriage. This has been a dis-pleasure and confusion for many people around the world, especially for the most part African Nations. We all know that those practice of Homosexuality is a controversial topic in Africa.

Table of Contents

Africans Have Conservative Views

Africa is a continent where many people have strong and conservative views on those practices. Though you might find some African persons that do practice such in hiding. There is only one country in Africa that is most tolerant to such practices. That country is South Africa. South Africa has inherently white folks there. I am not eluding to say homosexuality is a a white culture.

Other Countries Intolerant to Homosexuality

In many places in Africa, they are not tolerant for persons to practice homosexuality in public. It is not only Africa that is intolerant to same sex relationships. Other countries such as Dubai, Saudi Arabia and other are intolerant of homosexuality both in public and private spaces.

The West Not Forcing Homosexuality on Islamic Non-African Countries

In Dubai, whether you are a married couple or not, it is against the law to show romantic affection in public. Kissing, kissing in public is against the law there. People go to Dubai and still respect the law that is against the showing of romantic affection in public. So whether you are officially married or not, you must respect their law.

The Nigerian Groups of Bishops Against Same Sex Marriage

Nigeria Taking The Lead Against Blessing Same-Sex Marriages

So when it come to Africa, don’t you think people should respect the African view against homosexuality or not? There has been a lot of reactions from Africans, starting with the Nigerian group of Bishops. The Nigerian people are not happy at all. They reprimanded the Pope’s Declaration. They are standing firm together against blessing Same-sex Union, because it goes against God’s law and teachings. In other words it is unacceptable.

For cover up. They say it is a decision of the Pope as a human being. It is not a decision from God Himself. So no need to comply with Homosexuality.

Can The Pope Allow Polygamy as well?

Polygamy and Gay Marriage Should Have Fair Hearing

My question is this. Is the Pope going to allow polygamy as well? A lot of Africans want to be polygamist. Don’t judge them. Because that is there choice. Right? You should respect other people’s choices. Isn’t that what they say? Democratic countries need to respect other people’s choices.

Polygamist And Monogamist

Polygamist is someone that marries many wives. Usually man with a lot of money. For many African, there is nothing wrong with polygamy. Again, I know many people say, if you have a lot of wives, you will not be happy. Well, who says monogamist are the only happy ones. Do research on polygamy. We have seen happy polygamous couple and happy monogamous couples. If monogamy was the way, then monogamist will not divorce.

Where is Jealousy From?

African were not jealous when their husband had multiply wives. Jealousy is a Western concept brought to Africa. Africa learn the concept of Jealousy after colonialism. Many Africans were groomed to be multiple wives of a chief, leader or king.

In fact I know a guy that grew up in a family were there was one father and two mothers. These two mothers were the best friends in the world. They were everywhere together. If you see wife number one, you see wife number two.

Western Leaders Forcing Homosexuality on African Leaders

We have seen Western Leaders come to Africa, asking African presidents to allow homosexuality to reign. Barack Obama came to Kenya to convince the then Kenyan president to impose Homosexuality on its citizens. These Western Leaders also went to Zimbabwe to convince the president to accept Homosexuality. They went to Ghana, asking the same thing.

When Will The West Accept Polygamy

If they are going to be asking African Leaders to accept their Western Decadence. So when is the west going to accept POLYGAMY. So are they going to allow polygamy in the USA, Belgium, and other European countries. Or it just goes one way. So what the Western World wants is ok. What others like Africans want is not ok?

The Pope Disappointed Many Faithful Religious Persons World Wide

This is very troublesome for many people. I can understand how traumatic this is. Because many people perceive the Pope as infallible. They perceive him as incapable of making mistakes. Now if you firmly believe that the Pope has made a mistake, how shaken is your faith right now?

Let me make it crystal clear. I am not pushing you to be a polygamist. I am just saying there are many places in Africa, especially in West Africa, where you will find lots of polygamist people.

Nigerians are not happy. In clear Nigerian Expression. NIGERIA DEY VEX O! So now, will the Nigerian Bishops be sacked?

Thank you Fellas. It was a great pleasure. God Bless.

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