ISRAEL-HAMAS UPDATE: This Will Blow Your Mind! (femioke blog)

ISRAEL-HAMAS UPDATE: This Will Blow Your Mind!

ISRAEL-HAMAS UPDATE: This Will Blow Your Mind! (femioke blog)

Hello friends. Recently there was a truce broker by Qatar, U.S.A and the rest of the world for the Israel-Hamas war. It was a four (4) truce. Four-day truce eventually became a seven-day truce.

Now the war has started back again. You can see for self that they have started. The war has resumed. It is even more intense than it was before.

Table of Contents

First Let Us Look at The Niger Situation

There are a few things I want to address. When this war broke out between Israel and Hammas, I got some information. The information was that, maybe the war was because of the huge gas deposit offshore Gaza. It made a little sense to me. Remember the Niger situation the many people were pointing at the reasons why France did not want to leave Niger. We saw how so many people said so many things.

Real Reason Why France Did Not Want to Leave Niger

But then from research we were able to connect the dot. We found out that one of the major reason to why this was happening, was because they were running some pipeline from the southern part of Nigeria in Warri. This pipe then terminates somewhere in northern Africa, where it will move to Europe to supply them gas. All this because Russia-Ukraine war has affected the gas supply from Russia to Europe.

The Bone of Contention Between Gaza and Israel

When we connected that dot, everybody saw the truth. It became clear that this is actually the real bone of contention. So when I began to see those video about the gas deposits offshore Gaza. It made a lot of sense that an entire northern Gaza could be leveled to the ground for the sake of this. The Gas deposit is offshore. If I am not mistaken, we are looking at about, 32 cubic billion meters gas. That is the amount of gas that is offshore Gaza as I type.

The Offshore Gas Field of Gaza

ISRAEL-HAMAS UPDATE: This Will Blow Your Mind! (femioke blog)

Amos Hochstein is the Special Presidential Coordinator for global infrastructure and energy security at the U.S State Department. Do you know that when the truce was brokered, he was one of the first to official who spoke out. Guess what he said?

He said as soon as we hit the second day after the war, that it will be nice for the gas fields of Gaza to be explored and proceeds used to to develop Gaza.

Of course, this exploration would be done by U.S.A companies. All this will be in the same way that Europe is taking all the proceeds from the natural resources in Africa. Are the proceeds being used to take care of African people and to develop Africa? To the end that most of the African nations are ranked as most of the poorest in the world.

Israel and The Gaza Evacuation

There was a publication from the Times of Israel, dated 2019. It said

Israel actively pushing Palestinian emigration from Gaza,

ISRAEL-HAMAS UPDATE: This Will Blow Your Mind! (femioke blog)
Publication from the Times of Israel, dated 2019

At that time, they went to the extent of saying they don’t mind sponsoring Palestinians out of Gaza. They even said they are ready to allow the Palestinians use their airfield and airstrips that Israel has in the area for the movement to get out of Gaza. Not northern Gaza, out of Gaza. That was back in 2019. This was about four (4) years ago.

Since this war started, Israel has also been on the record asking the western world to please receive the Palestinians in as emigrants. They also asked Egypt and Jordan to do the same. Now Egypt and Jordan are saying, if the receive Palestinians, who then will stay there and fight for their land. They are all refusing to receive Palestinians.

Southern Gaza Not Safe

So what you are looking at with this resumption of hostility is, you are going to see a situation where even the so called southern part of Gaza will no longer be safe. Because the plan is for the entirety of Gaza to be evacuated.

Threats to The Unipolar World System

Let me say this. The unipolar world is crumbling before a eyes. The guys who are in charge of this system are running scared. These guys will do anything to make sure that the ship does not sink. Because they are going through a major shipwreck right now. Rather than sink alone they want to drag everyone else with them.

If you know about world powers and world orders, You will understand that before a new world order comes, there is always a violent reset. they don’t go through reset without a missive cataclysmic event. Examples are World War I, World War II and now guess what. It has to be World War III to be able to bring about a reset and reboot. Say God forbid it!

The Saudi And China Relationship

If you don’t understand what I am saying take a look at this scenario. Saudi Arabia recently sign $5.6 billion dollars contract for electric vehicle manufacturing and shipment from China. They also signed a currency swap deal with China. What they are not signing with China, they are signing with Russia. The rest of the Arab world, about 90% to 95% have now gone with Russia and China. These were once nations that were under the control of the unipolar world. The challenger to the unipolar world is embodied in BRICS.

ISRAEL-HAMAS UPDATE: This Will Blow Your Mind! (femioke blog)
The BRICS Nations

Why The West Hates Russia

The reason why Russia is being targeted in the first place, was because Russia was constituting a major challenge to the unipolar world, by trying to empower nations in Africa under the shackles of the unipolar order. Now France has lost almost five countries in Africa. Those African countries have placed their allegiance to mother Russia. This has never happened since the colonial years. This is a missive shift of political consciousness on the continent. Many more nations are beginning to align with Russia.

Zelenskyy Not at Peace With His People

This world power that we all grew up to know will collapse before our eyes in no time. They can not allow that to happen. That was why Russia had to be taken out. But getting at Russia through Ukraine was no longer making sense. Today Zelenskyy is being attacked by his own people. We don’t even know how much longer Zelenskyy is going to be in power. Because the opposition against Zelenskyy has grown.

The money from the west has cut short. Because they can’t see victory anywhere. Now it is obvious that Russia is wining and actually has been wining. Russia can actually march to the center of Kiev right now.

Russia-Ukraine War A Failure to The West

Getting at Russia through Ukraine is not working. It never worked. All these people that are running away from this unipolar world order that used to be. If you want to catch them and destroy their patron i.e. Russia, the easiest, fastest, and smoothest way to do it is going to be through Israel. Through Israel, you are going to kill multiple birds through one stone. That way you will get Israel too have their way to remove the threats of Hamas from their territory.

How The West is Using Israel

So at the end, Israel might be used to attack the Arab nations or possible attack Russia by way of Iran. That way the war which they have been looking for, they will get it. finally there will be a major reset. The problem with this reset is that it has a historical and biblical under tone.

Why They Could Not Outsmart Putin

I know how Russia works. Putin is a very smart man. You know what he did. He decided to pin the West down in Ukraine. He did not allow the provocations make him react beyond Ukraine. He resist give the west reasons to come and attack Russia. He made them to bring their resources and men to Ukraine o fight inside off Ukraine. He made sure that all the war happened in Ukraine. He kept milking them inside of Ukraine. Their resources, their men, and their weapons all were being buried inside Ukraine, until they couldn’t take it any more.

How The Israel-Hama War Could Turn Out to Be

I see Russia advising he same Arab nations today. The same Russia is probably telling them not to react to provocation. The truth is, there is only s much the Arab nations can take. When it gets to that point, Russia will not be able to hold them back from reacting.

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