From The story I will be narrating to you below. You will later know how it relates to Zambia.

Extreme Cold Place

How My Friend’s Personal Story Relates to Stanley Kakubo

A friend of mine traveled with a group of his friend to a very cold country. This was during the winter season. They were looking for a greener pasture. It was so cold and unbearable. He had to go buy an extra blanket from the caretaker of the house they rented. Couple of day later. This friend of mine came back at night only to find one of his friends sleeping with the blanket he bought from the caretaker of the house. He asked for his blanket back. But he was refused the blanket. Till they almost fought. This my friend decided to call the caretaker to settle the blanket matter. The caretaker was called in to confirm whose blanket it was. The caretaker told them it is non of his business. The caretaker told them to resolve their issues among themselves and he walked off. Now there is absolutely nothing this my friend could have done. Because if this my friend dares says something that is out of line, he will be kicked out of the house into the snow. That would be worse than the situation. Actually, the truth is, they both paid for the blanket.

Table of Contents

Ok. Hello friends. Today we are in Zambia. Interestingly you are going to understand why I am narrating this above story to you.

Zambia’s Foreign Minister Stanley Kakubo

What Happened to Stanley Kakubo?

Zambia’s Foreign Minister Stanley Kakubo has quit after he was allegedly caught on video receiving a stack of cash from a Chinese businessman. This is Africa for you. The video has been circulating online. Stanley Kakubo did not deny he was in the video. Mr Kakubo said he was facing “malicious claims over a business transaction” and had resigned so that the government will not be distracted by the controversy. But he remains an MP.

Stanley Kakubo’s Resignation Letter

Honorable Resignation is Hardly Practiced in African

There are many things happening here. First Mr Kakubo has resigned. Many African leaders will never resign. No matter what. In many African nations, foreign Ministers will never resign. One of the reasons for this is the family members of such person will never allow him/her to resign because of the financial benefits.

Stanley Kakubo’s Mine

The video shows two men sitting by a table counting the neatly stacked cash, both US dollars and Zambian Kwacha. Apparently Mr Kakubo was receiving about $50,000 from the businessman from China. The happened was that Mr Kakubo was selling part of his personal mine. Yes you read that right. Some people in Africa have mines.

Mines in Zambia

The Chinese Investment in Zambia

Let me remind you that China has invested 1.8 billion dollars into Zambian mining cobalt and many other things. Zambia is rich in many minerals. Cobalt is one of them. It is said that many Chinese people in Zambia are helping to develop Zambia. Some people feel that China is actually stealing or robbing Zambia in a way that has never been seen before. Those people claim that a lot of agreement that China has with Zambia are not transparent. Even though they are robbing, they are also building infrastructure for the Zambian people.

Stanley Kakubo’s Double Dealing

The reason why the video is online is because, apparently Mr Kakubo tried to sell his mine to two different businessmen. Just like the story I narrated in the beginning. Mr Kakubo sold the mine to one businessman and tried to sell the same mine to a second businessman. The first businessman was not very happy about that. You can see from the video that somebody maliciously used a hidden camera.

Why A Hidden Camera?

They did not just give him $50,000. They also gave him a Mercedes. Who thinks about bringing a hidden camera to a transaction like this? Only someone who has had some form of experience before. In some parts of Africa. They might try to be clever and deny receiving money from you.

The Chinese Military and Police Station in Africa

China is giving African countries money. As much money as the African countries want. But can the African countries reimburse? Because if they can not pay back, China is coming for them hard. China now wants to have its military stationed in Africa. Why? The answer is very simple. China wants the military to be in Africa, in case African countries don’t pay up the money.

Lessons Learnt

Now how does Africa avoid this type of situation. What do we learn from this? You can not sell one business to two people. It doesn’t work. It is dis-honest.

You can not try to beat government and the people. You need to pay tax. Obviously Kakubo was trying to avoid tax. Hence the cash transaction, not including the bank.

As a leader you need to be transparent. How do you expect people to be transparent if you as a leader is not transparent.

This is a big problem in Africa. Many Africans don’t like to resign from public office after a wrong doing.

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