Will Artificial intelligence diminish our sufferings? Will it open new doors of opportunities for the human race? Is A.I the savior of humanity as predicted by many people? We are going to find out very quickly.

Table of Contents

Looking into Artificial intelligence

What is Artificial intelligence and what is it doing for humanity? I am very old school and I prefer cash. Cash is real money. Nobody can take it away from you. For example, any of these payment APP can shut you off from your money for whatever reason. But if you have cash nobody can block you from your money.

One Example of Harm Artificial intelligence Can Cause

There are sobering examples of harm that Artificial intelligence can cause. One example is this. In 2018, Joy Buolamwini, an M.I.T student  wrote about the experience. She discovered that the facial recognition algorithm in a lab used all over the world couldn’t detect black faces. She had to put on a white mask to get the computer to recognize that she as a person and not something else.

Who is Joy Buolamwini? She is a Ghanaian American Canadian. She is a computer scientist and digital activist based at M.I.T Media Lab. She is 35 years old and lives in Canada.

Another Example of Harm Artificial intelligence Can Cause

Another example is an experience in Twitter X. It is about the cropping tool. This tool only focus on white faces. It could not recognize black faces.

Artificial Intelligence’s Racial Profiling of Black People as Criminals

Artificial intelligence consistently identified women as home makers and people of color as criminals. Friends, look at this. This is Intelligent Artificial intelligence. It is supposed to be clever and very smart. This Artificial intelligence was created by the smartest human beings on earth.

Artificial Intelligence and It’s Role in Banks

Now. Why is this conversation important? First of all Artificial intelligence has been placed on many important things in our society. For example, in order to get a loan. Most of the banks are using Artificial intelligence. They are using Artificial intelligence to scan your file and identify who you truly are. How does Artificial intelligence get this intelligence. It gets its intelligence from samples and from its creators. Most of the time the creators of Artificial intelligence are not of African origin.

Artificial intelligence and The Human Laziness

Unlike before, when people can look you in the eye and ask you personal questions before you can get a loan from the bank for instance. Today Artificial intelligence does everything for you. As human beings are too lazy to do the work. They want computers to do the research.

The Human Future is in The Hands of Artificial intelligence

Today, algorithm help decide credit score, viable candidates for jobs opening and college admission. They predict crime and help court to determine who deserves bail and how long sentences should be. They help doctors forecast cancers and mortality rates.

Artificial intelligence, Emotions and Sympathy

With human being determining your credit score, you can play on their emotions and sympathy of the human being. But as far as A.I is concerned, A.I will not allow you to play on its emotions. If it actually does have emotions. A.I is expected to be unbiased.

The Flaw of Artificial intelligence in South Africa’s Interest Loan Payment

Another simple example of Artificial intelligence flaws is in the case of South Africa. In South Africa, it has been discovered that after so many years, black people pay more on interest loans than white people do. So Artificial intelligence is very biased in this case. It favors more to white people as opposed to the black people. Remember that South Africa actually belongs to he Black people of South Africa.

Studies has shown that Artificial intelligence tends to choose more of white folk candidates for job opens as opposed to black folks. A.I has issues in his regard.

Artificial Intelligence is as Biased as It’s Major Programmers

Artificial intelligence also determines who gets admission to colleges. It favors more to the white folks. Studies has shown this. Again, people who create and work on Artificial intelligence are mostly Caucasian not blacks. The great majority are Caucasians from Europe and America. They nourish Artificial intelligence with their personal feelings and belief. Many people thought Artificial intelligence will be unbiased. But it turns out to not be unbiased. Because Artificial intelligence has to feed from something. So, in summary Artificial intelligence is as Biased as its major programmers.

Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Africa

The big question is this.  How is Africa going to fight this? Especially when Africa is not really investing into technology, research or science. Even though Africa has people that are capable. Artificial intelligence is going to be the new standard. Whoever created Artificial intelligence created it first for his or her own interest, then the interest of others follow last. The people that created Artificial intelligence are looking to control the future and Africa is doing nothing about it.

Artificial intelligence is a big issue. Africans, African Americans and African diaspora need to look into it and invest into it.

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