How African World War II Soldiers and Hitler Helped Africa Gain Independence from European Powers

African World War II Soldiers

African World war II soldiers true had a hand in the African countries quest for independence.

One of the most famous African writers Professor Tabang Lo Liyong once said African have three white men to thank for their political freedom and Independence. Through the involvement of African World war II soldiers. They are

  • Marx,
  • Nietzsche
  •  Hitler

Table of Contents

Question of How Hitler was Helpful in African World War II Soldiers Quest for African Countries Independence

The question I want to try and answer in this article is, how can Hitler, that guy that everybody in the world believe is evil, how can he be responsible or helpful in any way to African Independence. Trust me this article will gives you all the answers you need. I’m coming back to it in a moment.

Germany’s Surrender to British Ally Through the Involvement of African World War II Soldier.

For now, let us look at what happened in May 8th 1945. Germany surrendered to the British Ally. In what will become the end of World War II at 2:41 a.m.


General Jodel the representative of the German High command, the designated head of the German State, signed the act of unconditional surrender of all German land sea and air forces in Europe to the Allied expeditionary forces and simultaneously to the Soviet High command.


Hostilities ended officially at 1 minute after midnight that night Tuesday the 8 of may.

1 Million African World War II Soldiers Fought in World War II Because of British, Italy, France, Belgium and all these European Powers


Now pay attention because most people in Africa don’t know this. You see, World War II was not an African War. That is not what I wanted to tell you when I said most people don’t know.

What most people don’t know however is that even though World War II was never an African War more than 1 million African World War II soldiers fought in World War II because British, Italy, France, Belgium and all these European powers went to Africa and forced people from their colonies to go and fight in World War II.


Sending of African World War II Soldiers Back to Africa

When World War II was over in September of 1945 these European powers simply told African World War II soldiers to go back to the colonies. They were not properly paid for the job they did in overseas. We were under Colonia rule, so we could not say anything to change it.


The Three Unexpected Problems for The European Power Problems in Colonial Africa. Due to not Appreciating African World War II soldiers Participation in the World War II fight

All this and that my friend led to three unexpected problems for the European power problem.


Number one problem is this. These 1 million soldiers who returned from World War II were angry. Why did the European powers who used them to fight the war, that was not even African war, do nothing to appreciate the African World War II soldiers for their efforts. For example, when World War II ended on September 2nd, 1945, crowd gathered in every Allied City. Soldiers who fought in this battle were celebrated. A special day was declared in Europe, called Victory Day. Europeans and Americans who fought in this battle were decorated with medals. That day was Victory Day in Europe. It was a brief period of rejoicing.

African World War II Soldiers received no award, while American Servicemen had Received the Medal of Honor for Fighting in World War II

 In America Alone by 1945, 432 American servicemen had received the Medal of Honor for fighting in World War II.


If you go to this Wikipedia page today, you are going to see hundreds of Europeans and other white people who fought in World War II received MERS for fighting in World War II. But guess what, no single African World War II soldiers was included in this honor appreciation. Think about that for a second. The colonial masters went to this African people’s country, who had nothing to do with the war in the first place and forced them to go and fight in this battle.

Many African brothers, their friends and their parents died in that war. Just when the war was over, they were told to go to their countries without even telling them thank you. Indirectly saying the African World War II soldiers are all white folks servants. That they can be used to do anything. So why should the white colonial folks say thank you for using their servants. In fact only africans of age 97 or 95 will knows.

You see, when this African World War II soldiers returned to their colonies and they saw how they were treated by their colonial masters of course they were angry and unlike before World War II. Now these people were ready to confront their masters even if blood will flow.

The second thing that happened with World War II was that, though it is almost unbelievable, but it is the truth. After World War II was the first time Africans started seen white men as ordinary people like themselves. If you want to confirm what I just told you all you have to do, is to open to page 12 of this book which is autobiography of Nelson Mandela. On page 12 of this book Mandela wrote about how when he was a young boy he usually sees white people as gods. I’m reading from this book now, he said this whites appeared as grand as gods to me and I was aware that they were to be treated with a mixture of fear and respect. That is from ‘Long Walk to Freedom’.

So, what you find, is that historically for the past 400 years, that black people have been coming in contact with white. Africans usually think that, these white people are not ordinary. They are Gods. Which is the reason why, if you read our history, you will discover that there were some Kings in African country who did not fight at all when Europeans came to invade their countries. They simply said, “oh I cannot fight with gods. Just do whatever you want with my land.”

However, when African young people went to World War II, during this battle they saw how white guys like them cried, when they were shot down. They saw how these people die in the battle field. They experienced of course, what it means to carry some of these wounded white soldiers. Most importantly they saw first hand that black people are genetically stronger than white people folks. Because they saw when the war was Harsh, who could run longest and farthest.

So when these African World War II soldiers returned backs to Africa, it dawned on these African World War II soldiers that the white folks are not who African World War II soldiers think they are. So African World War II soldiers had a chance, if African World War II soldiers should decide to confront the white colonial masters.

This leads to the third important thing that happened with World War II. You see after World War II more than 1 million African World War II soldiers,  for the first time in our history have been exposed to not just a war but the most brutal war in the history of our world. Think about what that means. It means suddenly Africans now have 1 million people from different countries who have been to the most brutal War the world had never experienced and they came back alive. These people now have experience of what it means to engage in battle and fight. Now they are angry. Now they want a revenge for this colonial master who used them and never appreciate them. That my friend, was the reason why the war against colonial rule in Africa began.

Immediately after World War II in August of 1947, that is 23 months after World War II the United Gold Coast convention ugcc was founded in Ghana. It was later led by Kwame Nkrumah. The Nationalist group group in Ghana was being led by Kwame Nkrumah. Kwame Nkrumah organized 63,000 ex-servicemen. Again don’t forget, these are African World War II soldiers who have been to World War II and now they are ready for gorilla Warfare against the colonial Masters. What happened in Ghana was identical to what happened everywhere else. Whether you are thinking about Zimbabwe or Kenya or Namibia or Nigeria.

 Nationalist group stood up everywhere, ready to carry weapon and ready to sacrifice whatever it takes just to get Europeans Out of Africa. In just a few years, after World War II back in Britain, many in Britain had come to conclusion that running the Empire had become more trouble than it was worth. Also, the British conservative government was becoming worried about the effect of violent confrontations with African nationalists.

On Wednesday February 12th 1960, the UK prime minister traveled to Africa and in South Africa he gave this speech. In this speech which was titled ‘Wind of Change’ the UK prime minister said, “the Wind of Change is blowing through this continent. Listen to this, whether we like it or not this growth of national Consciousness is a political fact. Through this speech UK prime minister which at that time had seen how a whole lot of group in Africa were ready to carry HS, confessed that it is over even though the colonial masters did not want to leave”.

 They have to leave this Africa continent.

Now we have to go back to answer the question about how exactly is World War II or Hitler related to African freedom. Here is this chart you see.

If you look at this chart, you will observe something which is obvious. That is before World War II, there was only one single African country that has gotten independence from the colonial rule. You might want to say Ethiopia. Ethiopia was free but well Ethiopia was never colonized. You might say what about

Liberia. I’m sorry Liberia was not a country the way other countries in Africa are country. You may say South Africa well South Africa was never free for black people until 1990s. So before World War II there was only one single country in the entire African continent that has gained independence

from the colonial rule. That was Egypt. Now if you go back to this chart.

What you will  observe is that immediately after World War II, countries in Africa started having Independence. For example in 1956, you have Sudan, Morocco and Tunisia in 1957 and 58 respectively. You have Ghana and Guine in 1960. You have 17 countries in Africa getting independence from their colonial rule in 1962. You have four more countries. By the end of 1970 almost every country in Africa is free from any Colonial rule. Which was unbelievable just 30 years period to that time.

That is the reason why this African professor said Africans have three white men to thank for their political freedom and Independence. The are Max, Nietzsche, and Hitler. This article is limited in scope so I cannot tell you the part these two other guys play.

I think the most important guy of all the three is Hitler thanks for reading.

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