
Europe Will Be A Digital Prison

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Hello Fellas, I greet you. Today we are in the EU country. Have you ever heard of Digital Id? If you have never heard of Digital ID, I suggest you do your research on it. It is urgent, that you know about it. Especially if you live in any EU country.

Table of Contents

Digital ID, Banks and Freedom

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Digital accounts of dissenters and regime critics could be switched off. It will be very difficult to even purchase necessities. This is an Orwellian dystopia of total control. The end of every freedom. Every Central Bank like the bank of England has already prepare micro-chip implant RFID chip to be implanted under your skin.

The European Union Decision on Digital ID

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The Europeans have decided. They have come to a conclusion an agreement about Digital ID. They are going to implement Digital ID. That simply means all Europeans will be equipped with Digital Id chip under their skin.

Many people and MPs are very upset and angry about this situation. Not far from now, Digital ID will be affecting the European Union. You will have a digital wallet and you have to put something in it. You will also have digital Euro currency. That is digital money.

Digital Privacy Expert Warnings

We are moving towards a very interesting world. A lot of privacy and security expert warn last week that this is a very bad idea for our privacy and freedom. Still this digital identity is pushed through. But it is not too late, because they still have to vote on it.

So what you can do is send your MEP an email that you are against the tool called digital ID.

Why is The EU Secretly Engineering The Digital ID For Europe

You see some of this decisions happen in the secret, in the dark when nobody knows. When everybody is busy about which country is bombing which country.

Under the new law of the EU. The EU will offer its citizens the so-called digital wallet on a voluntary basis.

Fake Voluntary Option of Digital ID

Of course, they have to use words like ‘voluntary’ to calm you down. Just remember that before they came with ID card. Before it was implemented, they said it is voluntary. You could choose to have an ID card, before you can go to the office. Then with time things changed. Do you think you can get a job without an ID card? Do you think you can go to the hospital and get treated without an ID card? Do you think you can go to school without an ID card?

From ID Card to Passport to Visa

Then after the ID card, you get the passport. Africans never used to used passports. They brought those ideas. Now for you to go to a neighboring country, you need a piece of paper. You identify by a piece of paper. Though way back, You identify by how peaceful you come to a neighboring country.

What Digital ID will Contain

The digital ID is going to encompass all information about you. It will contain digital version of your ID card, driving licensed, your diploma, your skills, your medical records, and your bank information.

Excuse me. That digital Id will contain all your life. Well you know what they say. That it will be good because it will be easy for you. It will be easy for you when you go to the airport, easy for you to make payment etc… Because it is so tiring to bring your wallet, passport etc.. Wow, so are you that lazy, that you can barely carry your passport, wallet or some money. How crazy is that.

Critics of The Digital ID Idea Calling it Digital Surveillance

So critics have come up.

Critics say, the Digital ID is a building block for a coming European Digital surveillance State… a way for the EU and any other government to hold all of their citizens personal information and track their every move.

So with this what secrets will you have. If all this is a implemented. You will become a nobody.

The agreement was reached just days after 504 privacy and cybersecurity experts from 39 countries signed a joint letter “strongly” warning about the pitfalls of the legislation.

These experts came together, saying this is not a good idea. This is basically a way to know exactly what you are doing, where you are going and what you are buying.

Covid-19 and Social Restritions


Let us go a while back. Do you remember 2019. In some places in the world, you couldn’t get back to work with out the covid-19 shot. In fact many people were cut off their job. They were retrenched. Many were chased like disease, because they did not want the shot of the untested vaccine. They said nobody will get back to their job, unless vaccinated. Do you know what happened next? Do you know what finish this matter? It was the war in Ukraine. The war took the attention of everybody. Nobody was focusing on it any more.

Vladimir Putin Ended the Covid-19 Worries

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So Vladimir Putin of Russia ended that thing everybody was worried about. Remember in France. France said if your are not vaccinate, you can’t go to the restaurant. Nobody was allowed unless you have proof of vaccination.

Digital ID Will Come With A Lot of Restrictions

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If they have everything about you, at a click of a button somebody can manipulate your Digital ID. They can switch it on or off. They can block you from accessing it. We are getting to the world were they are saying you are using too much that and emitting that. Thus They will put a cap on it.

For instance, you are assigned an amount of heat you can produce per week or month. As soon as you reach your cap of whatever that is. You can not purchase that piece of meat you want to buy. Because you have created enough toxins in the air. Why would you give out your medical record, your diploma, drivers license and your everything to some unknown entity.

How Innovation Can Encourage Laziness

I don’t believe every innovation is good for the wellbeing of every people. For example, cell phones are great tools for making calls. I think cell phone can become detrimental to the society.

Back in time when people met at the bus stop, they greeted each other, they introduced each other, and had conversations. In other words they socialized. People don’t do like that anymore. People get to the bus stop and look at each other like a sack of potatoes and then back to their cell phones. As long as it is good to make phone calls, people have disconnected from each other.

The Habit of Reading is Dyeing

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People don’t read books anymore because they can google anything from the the cell phone. It is important for people to read book. So that they can acquire intelligence. Many people don’t read. What they do is when they face a conversation they don’t understand, they jump into google to try and understand what is happening. They have lose the ability of maintaining information, because they trust in a piece of equipment that will give them two minutes knowledge. After they have spoken about the subject, that they are talking about, they forget it.

Give people pen and a paper and ask them to write the same thing they write online. They will be unable to do it because of autographic error and stuffs like that. These are all just very simple aspects of the danger that will occur.

How Justin Trudeau Blocked The Protesters’ Accounts

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Remember in Canada, Toronto to be precise, you know what happened with the truckers, Justin Trudeau blocked the people from withdrawing their money from the banks. He blocked them from accessing pay pal and the likes. The Canadian government was using this means to starving the people. So that the people will not be able to protest to the government.

You tell me if you live in a Digital world where you can not access your money because it is in a digital wallet. Or you can not access your money because you said something the government does not like. What if your stance is different from everybody else? How will they punish you if they want to punish you?

Now if they have the power of Digital ID, they can cancel your passport at the boarder. We also know the story, that they are trying to install at tool in the cars called “Kill Switch“.

Is this what we see in the movies, happening very slowly? Or what we see in religious books?

Africa Will Not Escape Digital ID

Of course, we know that once Europe starts this, they are going to impose it to africa.

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