I will be writing about a very interesting subject. We all know that when It comes to China, the West makes us believe that the Chinese are in Africa to steal from Africans. They refer to the method the Chinese use in Africa as Chinese trap.

By Chinese trap they mean the Chinese will give African countries money for infrastructure. If the African country can’t pay back, then China will take what ever they want from the African country. They will take thing such a the minerals, ports etc.. This is what the West call the Chinese trap.

Basically The West has been trying for many years to make Africans believe that the best option Africa has is The West. They are trying to make Africans mistrust the Chinese and Russians.

China has never forces any African country to have a particular system of government before they can assist any African country. But the West has always coerced African countries to follow a particular system of government before they can assist any African country. The West even goes as far as to determine who should be the leaders in Africa.

On February 24 1966, the Central Intelligence Agency of America organized the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah’s government. French and other Western intelligence services came together to killed Patrice Lumumba. They dissolved his body in acid and took out his front tooth as souvenir. This barbarism has never been exhibited by China. All the guns that has been pointed at Africa, has never come from China. They all came from The West. Today every where in Africa, The West is bombing democracy into the African mentality.

The people who are today teaching us about democracy, don’t respect other people’s rights. They infringe into other people’s autonomy. Throughout history, Africans have never been slaves to China. Rather China had always stood at the side of Africa as a friend. South Africa struggled against Apartheid. Who are the people that supported the Apartheid regime? The West and all The Western Organizations supported apartheid.

Apartheid ended in 1994. In 1993 these people still supported apartheid regime against the South African blacks. These same people come into Africa to teach democracy and the respecting of people’s rights. Let us talk about the possibility of China assuming the role, the Western Powers have assumed in Africa. That possibility does not exist.

Until recently if, you wanted to make a telephone call from Ghana to Togo, you had to route that call through Paris or London. Again if you have to travel to some African country from another African country, you have to route your flight through Europe. China is helping Africa to build those critical infrastructure that makes Africa independent and which promotes trade among the African people to facilitate exchanges amongst the African people.

One of the projects that China is embarking upon in Africa are railway lines, linking one African capital to the other. This is in the interest of Africa. Look at all the railway lines in African countries. They all tell a story. What is the story the railway lines tell? They all start from areas of concentration of wealth and end up in ports. For example railway lines in area that have timber or bauxites or gold mines etc.. ends up in a port. This is systematic of the colonial economy. The objective of The West in Africa was never to build or grow Africa. The objective was destroy and to take by force.

The West gives Africa aid. What is the aid for exactly? China doesn’t care about the political environment. China just give the money. China is not the danger here. I am not saying China is perfect. China has it’s own issues in Africa. China needs to educate the Chinese people, who comes to Africa. Because some of them actually behave in an inappropriate way towards Africans. We have seen the Chinese open restaurants and barber shops for only Chinese nationals in an African country like Zambia. But generally as a group, China is a better investor than The West for Africa.

China has shown its will to work fairly with many countries. That is perhaps the reason why you can see Saudi Arabia and Iran trusting China to bring them together. Saudi Arabia and Iran were enemies for a long time.

leaders who worked for African’s goals, advantages, bonuses, and win didn’t end up well. African leaders who worked for the profits of The West were all praised and never accused of any wrong doings.

Look at Thomas Sankara. He worker very hard for his country. He was killed for saying, his country doesn’t need to be begging.

Patrice Lumumba

Look at Patrice Lumumba. He was killed for wanting autonomy of Africa and for wanting his country to own its own economy.

Muammar Gaddafi

Look at Muammar Gaddafi. He was killed for the goal of pushing forward Africa by promoting the gold binding currency for Africa.

John Magufuli

Look at John Magufuli. As a president he never went to Europe even once. He spent the tax money to rebuild his country. He later died.

Who wants the goodness of Africa. Africans need to start loving each other. They need to remove the boundaries and bondages of borders, starting from the mind.

China is not Africa’s enemy, neither are they brothers to Africa. How has China compared to The West, who has proven not to be good to Africa? Let me know in the comments below.

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