Llyod Austin; Us Military power and chewing gum (femioke blog)

Austin: How the U.S. Walks, Chews Gum at the Same Time

Lloyd Austin is The US Defense Secretary. He made a statement some days ago during a speech. He talked about the war in Israel and Gaza. He talked about Ukraine. He also about military power and chewing Gum

Lloyd Austin’s Advice to Israel

He said somethings worth discussing. He said if Israel continues on its current trajectory, it will suffer strategic defeat. So the million dollar question is. Why will the Pentagon continue to supply Israel will hundreds and thousands of missiles, bombs and money? Knowing that They are heading towards a strategic defeat in this war.

What Is sunk Cost Fallacy?

Well the answer is once again the sunk cost fallacy. This sunk cost fallacy is a behavior that maybe described as throwing good money after bad while refusing to succumb to what is described as cutting ones loses. People can remain in failing relationship because, they have already invested too much to leave. That is the definition of sunk cost according to WIKIPEDIA. That is the foundation of sunk cost fallacy. It is often attributed to investments. Investing good money after bad. It could easily be carried of to relationships and in this case to geopolitics.

USA Supporting Escalation in Gaza

So while the US knows that the war in Gaza, the way it is being conducted, is going to eventually lead to a strategic failure by extension the United States. The Biden White House continue to provide money, weapons, missiles and bombs to Israel to support the escalation in Gaza. It is good money after bad. The US has invested so much in this war that they believe and hope it will lead to a war with Iran and further fragmentation of the middle east. Paraphs to the regime change of Assad.

They have invested so much in Israel, that even now it is now going as they have planned, they can’t turn back. So they countinue to invest money and weapons and time in to the conflict. I hope that makes sense.

Israel Starting Operations in Southern Gaza

Israel has now started an operation in the south of Gaza. The operation will be no less powerful as the operation in the north of Gaza.

Biden Losing Support of The Muslim Voters

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This strategic defeat that Lloyd Austin is talking about is manifesting itself into election defeat for the Democrat party and the Biden White House. The Biden White House is loosing the support of the Muslim voting base, white has traditionally vote for the Democrat Party. Right now the Muslim American voters are signaling that they going to abandon the Biden White House over his refusal to call for a cease fire in Gaza. The strategic defeat is not only in Israel, but it is actually hidden in the Biden White House.

USA Support to Ukraine

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Lloyd Austin said the US needs to ramp up military production to Support Ukraine. Because of the dynamics of the conflict in Ukraine, the US needs to quadruple ammunitions production. This will provide more jobs for the American citizen. This is part of why the American people need to support Ukraine according to Lloyd. It also means more money and more profits for the military industrial complex. Also more money for the politicians that support Ukraine.

The USA Can Walk and Chew Gum at The Same Time

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Another interesting thing that Lloyd Austin said is that the US military is not going to stop its support for Israel in Gaza and Ukraine. Because the US military, the Biden White House, can do both of these things at the same time. They can probably even start a war with China as well. This is the narrative that all politicians in the collective West love to throw out there. Lloyd Austin is saying the US can engage in multiply wars. Because the USA can Walk and Chew Gum at the same time. Well, is it possible to walk and chew gum at the same time? You try it and see.

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