Let use discuss Alcohol. We will touch on what you don’t hear on the daily, about Alcohol.
First point.
Alcohol is a depressant. Meaning it slows down activity in your brain. That is why some people start feeling drowsy or sleepy or rested after taking it. This is one of the major effect imbibing it. It is majorly a depressant.
Second point
There are different types of Alcohol. Most people drink the condemned type of alcohol. such as spirit, wine, whiskey, rum, shepe etc..
Ethanol, otherwise known as ethyl alcohol, is the only type of alcohol fit for the human body without causing immediate damage to the body.
The other type is Methanol. This type comes with immediate adverse effect to the body. There are cases where people drank it and it led to blindness on the spot.
Third point
Alcohol has many effects in the brain. One of the important thing it does is, it causes a release of a chemical known as dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. This release of dopamine makes you to feel pleasure or satisfaction. This is responsible of the the addiction. This explains why you feel good when you take alcohol.
Fourth point
Some people take alcohol because they want a side-effect known as stress-relief. There is a neurotransmitter known as gaba. Gaba it makes you feel like you are less stressed. It is also cause to be released through alcohol consumption.
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Fifth point
The major place where alcohol is broken down in the human body is the liver. The adverse effect of alcohol is found in the liver. It break most of the alcohol you drink into acetaldehyde and acetat. The alcohol can directly enter the bloodstream, when the liver is overwhelmed with the amount of alcohol it has to process.
So you can have alcohol that is not broken down in your bloodstream and then into your brain. At this point is where you start feeling some effect known as alcohol poisoning.
Sixth point
There is usually a membrane or barrier or gate between the brain and the rest of the body. Alcohol that is not broken down by the liver can sometimes cross the membrane to the brain. When this happens, the alcohol take over you.
Seventh point
There is something known as alcohol use disorder. This is simply the abuse of alcohol. Studies has been done to show that, there is a genetic component to it. Meaning it can be inherited.
Eighth point
Men are more likely to abuse alcohol than women.
Ninth point
Alcohol has different health consequences for both men and women. When it comes to long term drinking. By long term drinking I mean, engaging in drinking for 6 years and more. In this case the overtime effect of the alcohol is worse in women than men ,even if the woman drinks less.
Tenth point
Women who need alcohol in order to function, are 50% to 100% likely to die from alcohol related issues.