Burkina Faso

Today I will be looking at Burkina Faso. It is the country of Thomas Sankara. He was a very strong president of the African country Burkina Faso. He fought for the rights of Africa. Back then He was at the age of thirty (30). He was the first president in Africa to reduce his own salary. He was later kill by his own people.

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Thomas Sankara

Four French Arrested in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has arrested four (4) French nationals accused of espionage at Ouagadougou. These four French fellows came to Burkina Faso with diplomatic passports and visas obviously. These accused are members of the DGSE in France. Which is an equivalent of British MI6.

The French DGSE

The DGSE of The French Secret Service

The DGSE is a special group of spy in France. Burkina Faso say those accused are spies. But France says they are computer scientist. The French government is saying they accused are in Burkina Faso to carry out computer maintenance at the French embassy on the December 20th.

France Demands The release of The Arrested Four Persons

The French government is demanding the Burkina Faso government to release the four arrested fellows immediately. Normally if someone is arrested in a foreign country, the person’s ambassador is expected to come and find out what exactly is happening. The ambassador is in no way expected to obstruct investigation and justice. But in this case the French government in not interested for the Burkinabe government to carry out an investigation. Rather, they are commanding the Burkinabe government to release the accused unconditionally. Clearly the French government has no regards for the Burkinabe government.

Can an African Country Order an European Country For Unconditional Release?

Imagine that an African is accused of espionage in an European country. The European government will never release that African to his country unconditionally.

Brief History of Burkina Faso

Let us look at a Brief history of Burkina Faso. The country Burkina Faso was taken over by the military. The leader of Burkina Faso is a young man named Ibrahim Traore. He is 34 years old. He took over power because the president then was working for the interest of the Western Nations. The Burkina Faso country was crippled by terrorism. So the French troops were brought in to fight the terrorism. As Traore came into power, the French troops were kidded out.

Burkina Avoiding Another Military Coup

These four French person in Burkina Faso where actually accused of trying to stage another coup against the present Burkina Faso government. The Burkinabe government is trying to push out French people out of its country. But the French is still sending more people into Burkina Faso. Is this not a suspicious act.

Jacques Foccart

The French First Batch of Spies in Africa

According to history, it is said that the French sent its first batch of spies to francophone countries in Africa, when the colonial era collapsed in 1960. Although the colonial era was ended back then, the French needed to keep a strong grip on the francophone countries in Africa. Jacques Foccart was responsible for the French intelligence network during World War II. He later master minded the French art of spying on African nations.

Jacques Chirac

France Needs Africa

Some European countries don’t need Africa. While some European countries do need Africa for many reasons. France is one of those European countries that needs Africa. Back then, one French president named Jacques Chirac said that the reason why France is what it is today, is because of Africa. If France stops having access to resources in Africa, then France will stop been the France we know today.

Thomas Sankara and His Legacy

Thomas Sankara was a man who stood strong for his people. He was the man that said Africa does not need help and Aid from all these foreign organizations. He told other African leaders to stop begging. Thomas Sankara told other African presidents that he will refuse to pay his countries debt to the World Bank. World Bank gives money to African nations for construction and infrastructure at an exorbitant interest rate. So African countries end up paying double to triple the amount given to them. World Bank charges African countries at a level that the Africa countries will be cripple and can not progress as a nation. This is one of the primary reasons why African nations cannot move forward.

Thomas Sankara Killed

Thomas Sankara told other African leader to collectively decide not to pay their debt to World Bank. He emphasized that if only him defaults in payment to the World Bank, he will be killed. Back then he explain to the African leaders that if they don’t support him, they will not see him in the next meeting. Unfortunately Thomas Sankara was killed by one of his best friends.

This is why I say to you this. Your brother is not necessarily the person that shares the same passport with you. Your brother is the person that supports you through thick and thin.

The question now is, if Burkina Faso does not release the four French persons arrested, what will France do? Will they bomb Burkina Faso?

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